Pomp And Circumstance

Before and After Ikea Hack: Kullen Dresser

Posted in Before and After, D.I.Y. by Miss Circumstance on February 27, 2012

‘member how I bought that one dresser for my oldest’s room, then sold it, then waffled a bit on what to get? I ended up doing this. It actually goes in my son’s closet, but when I went to photograph it, it so-not-eves did it justice. So what did I do? What any rational blogger (aka obsessed person) does with a made-over dresser: completely moves it and styles it for not at all what it’s purpose is, takes it’s picture, then puts it all back. But it looks pretty doesn’t it?

Now this dresser is not necessarily what I would have picked from the Ikea dresser selection should I have been willing to spend any amount of money. But I wasn’t, so this 30-something dollar Kullen Dresser was the winner.

Mr. Kullen does not actually hold very many clothes (the drawers are not very deep in either direction), but it fit the space and I only needed it to hold part of his stuff.

I sanded and painted the drawer fronts, and added legs (also from Ikea). I saw a makeover on the Nate Berkus show that inspired the hardware-

That white media console on the left is an Ikea piece, that I think has been really transformed by the hardware. I tried to find something similar but couldn’t (for a reasonable dollar amount anyways), so enter trunk hardware from Home Depot, to the friendly tune of about 3 bones each.

The end.

6 Responses

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  1. Tami Manchester said, on February 27, 2012 at 10:31 pm

    You did an amazing transformation. I love it!

  2. Teresa said, on February 28, 2012 at 2:51 am

    wow, that dresser turned out amazing! I always love a good IKEA hack, and you nailed it on this one!

  3. Jennifer Hornschemeier said, on June 19, 2015 at 9:01 am

    How did you add the feet? I have the Malm dresser (new style of this one) and the bottom is an open frame. I’d like to add feet like you did. 🙂

    • sophappleton said, on July 30, 2015 at 7:17 am

      I’d love to know this too! I’m planning on buying the 5 drawer kullen dresser and attaching the stubbarp legs and would like to know how easy this will be to do 🙂

  4. Jessika said, on September 4, 2016 at 6:22 am

    What grit of sand paper did you use? I bought everything from Home Depot Yesterday to do this EXACT make over but I want to make sure I have the right kind of sandpaper. Please let me know and thanks for the inspiration. 🙂

  5. Miss Circumstance said, on September 5, 2016 at 5:16 pm

    Gosh it’s been a long time since I did this project and I don’t remember. But I would think I used a fine grit sand paper. You just need to sand it enough to give it a little grip, not to put any big grooves in it or anything. And for the feet, we cute four small pieces of wood (roughly 1/2″ thick, and about 6″ square), painted them as close as we could to match the dresser color, and screwed them to each corner of the dresser so the legs could then be attached to those pieces of wood. Hope that makes sense! You can see the wood pieces in the close up pictures of the dresser.

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