Pomp And Circumstance

What To Do With A Salvaged Dresser

Posted in Decor Files by Miss Circumstance on November 18, 2011

So the other day I got this dresser from a glorified dump for $10. It is going to go in my 8-year-old son’s room, and I can’t quite decide what to do with it. Part of me wants something unexpected and fun, and another part wants something clean and nice and classic, but beautiful.

I’ve been liking this ombre effect that I have seen in a couple of places-


While I don’t love the style of this dresser, I like the idea of opening the drawers and having them be a different color-


I love dressers that have those corner brass things with brass hardware, and I especially like it with modern glossy colors like this red or a kelly green-



A green like this?-



I also am diggin’ this dark indigo color-


I don’t know! So many choices! What do you guys think?? Any other ideas?

Is that going in the house or to the dump…

Posted in D.I.Y., Decor Files by Miss Circumstance on November 14, 2011

That is what my dad would say when my mom would bring home these kinds of “treasures”. I scored all this loot for 23 bones! There are two side tables in there, two lamps, three chairs, and a dresser. With some paint and some elbow grease, they’ll be like Andie at the prom in Pretty In Pink.


*Update: I am still trying to figure out exactly how to publish blog posts from my IPad using the WordPress Ap. As you have seen, I’m still figuring out some quirks (like accidentally posting this before it was actually finished)

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Gypsy Lady

Posted in D.I.Y., Fashion Files, Inspiration, Pomp Day-By-Day by Miss Pomp on November 2, 2011

(Pants ~ Thrifted, Tank ~ H&M, Kimono ~ Anthropologie, Turban ~ Urban Outfitters, Jewelry ~ Vintage, H&M, Forever 21)

My last minute DIY Halloween Costume. I had been out of the house for all of 10 minutes when I looked at husby and said “Oh no….I just realized I would totally wear this outfit on a normal day.  That makes me weird, doesn’t it?”

In other news, I picked up these awesome, sparkly silver pants at the Goodwill last week, and am planning on keeping them in my regular rotation for quite some time.